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How to Buy a Printer

Printers are and will remain essentials equipments in offices, schools or even in our apartments in day to day life. There are times when to have a document on digital format is not enough and we need printers to transfer that document to paper. But before doing this we need to have that printer and ofcorse to buy it!

There are different types of printers like inkjets, color lasers, multifunction printers. Depending on what you need the printer for you have to choose carefully and to be well informed about every type of printers.

Before buying a printer you have to ask yourself these questions:

  • it's a personal printer or a business printer?
  • where do you need the printer, in the office where you have to print quickly, for home or for a copy-center - speed of printing?
  • there will be more people using it - printers with network connection?
  • how much money you need to spend on a printer - the price?
  • the print quality should be high or fair?
  • need a color or monochrome printer?
When you buy a printer ask the questions above and after that take also in the consideration the fact that the consumables are differing from printer to printer. In fact the most expensive part on a printer, with time, are the consumables.

If you buy a printer for home use I recommend an inkjet printer. The inkjet cartridge can be expensive but an idea is to buy a CISS device because you will make a lot of economy. I have written already about the benefits of CISS, please take a look. Depending on what printer you have you can go on CISS Epson, CISS HP or CISS Canon and see if you would like to purchase this device.

So, the idea is that you have to be a little bit careful and think before buying a printer. You need the right printer!

Good luck!

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