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Speed Up Your Google Chrome Browser

On my laptop with Ubuntu Linux I have installed three browsers: Firefox (different versions, stable and nightly), Google Chrome and Opera. What I can say until now is that I like them all.

For some time I didn't used Google Chrome so much because it was memory hungry, meaning that if I had opened a lot of tabs, although I didn't used them all in the same time, my browser was slowing down and asked me to kill some pages which apparently were Not responding.

Some time ago I have written an other post called How to check what extensions in Google Chrome uses more RAM and CPU but was in my language, Romanian. Now I want to explain a little bit how to increase the speed of your Google Chrome browser (not the Internet speed) although you have a lot of tabs opened.

There are three simple steps which I make:

  • first install the Google Chrome extension called Disable All Extension Plus which you can find it in the Google Chrome Web Store
  • open the Google Chrome Task Manager with Shift + Esc and look for the memory hungry extensions, like explained in my blog post link written above. You can kill the extension directly from Task Manager but I prefer to do it with the help of Disable All Extension Plus because is more straight forward and also you can easily enable them again one after the other. After restarting Chrome the extensions will remain disabled.
  • with Task Manager opened  kill all the pages opened after starting Google Chrome or kill only the ones that you're not intending to use in that moment. You can afterwards to refresh the killed tabs to enable them Please remember that after restarting Chrome this tabs will be enabled again.
On Firefox there is an excellent add-on called BarTab which can disable the tabs which are not used preserving theme for future reading.

Hope this helps! 

Postări populare de pe acest blog un nou motor de cautare

Acum doua saptamani in urma,pe data de 3 iunie 2009 a intrat in functiune un nou motor de cautare ("search engine") numit . Acest site apartine companiei Microsoft ca un inlocuitor pentru Windows Live Search. Bing este numit de catre cei de la Microsoft ca fiind un motor decizional. Aici echipa Bing da si un mic exemplu cum poti sa castigi bani de pe urma acestui search engine cu ajutorul optiunii cashback. Acest motor de cautare deja are si o pagina pe Wikipedia . In caz ca doriti sa faceti o comparatie Google vs. Bing este deja un site care face acest lucru. Ramane la decizia voastra ce motor de cautare sa folositi!

Guşteriţa, Sibiu

Fãrã canalizare si cu drumuri pietruite, sibienii din cel mai oropsit cartier al Sibiului se întreabã dacã n-ar fi fost mai bine ca Gusterita sã rãmânã comunã. Desi e parte a orasului de jumãtate de secol, cartierul nu reuseste sã se ridice din noroaie. Primãria anuntã cã lucrãrile pentru canalizare ar putea începe la primãvarã. Acelasi lucru il spunea Primaria si in 2006, dupa trei ani situatia inca nu s-a schimbat. Fiecare sibian a auzit de Gusterita. Însã nu multi au si cãlcat vreodatã pe acolo. Departe de oras, locuitorii cartierului, alipit Sibiului în urmã cu o jumãtate de secol, sunt singurii care îsi stiu problemele si se luptã cum pot cu ele. Lipsa canalizãrii, transportul public slab organizat si drumurile proaste le dau cele mai mari bãtãi de cap. Guşteriţa (în dialectul săsesc Hameršterf, în germană Hammersdorf, în trad. "Satul ciocanului", în maghiară Szenterzsébet, în trad. "Sfânta Elisabeta") este în prezent un cartier al municipiului Sibiu. Istoric L...

Install Heroes Of Might and Magic 3 on Ubuntu Linux

This is an other small tutorial on how to install a game on Ubuntu Linux. Until now I've already explained how to install Football Manager 2011 on Ubuntu and I've seen that a lot of people are entering on my blog looking how to do that. I think that you know Heroes 3 and that you've played in Windows but the story and the game play is calling you to play it also in Linux, no? First we have to download and install this game. Download I think that this is the easiest step, you just have to search on Google something like this download heroes 3 linux and I'm definitively sure that you'll find a site from which to download the game files ;). Installation After downloading the game you have to install it. If the *.iso file is compressed in a  *.bz2 file you have to uncompressed it. After that write in the Terminal this, after you go with cd command in the folder where the iso file is: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop HMM3-Linux.iso /mnt/fakecd ...